Circular "buttons" with a cross in the middle and avoiding the colour blue can improve the performance of brain-computer interface that allows persons with complete paralysis control devices, found the Warsaw School of Social Psychology students.

90 percent children at the age of 1-3 eat too much salt, 80 percent eat too much sugar; their diet is too low in calcium and vitamin D, according to results presented at a press conference in Warsaw. Children very early learn the eating habits of parents, stress the experts.

Researchers from University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin have developed an antigen (a protein substance that causes the production of antibodies in the body), which can be used to make a vaccine against malaria.

A dinosaur fossil with its foot imprint in the rock beside it was found in the Earth Museum in Warsaw. It is the world's first case where dinosaur trail can be directly linked to a particular dinosaur species.

Computer prediction of the construction of biological systems based on their sequences may allow to skip the expensive and time-consuming experimental studies. Knowledge of such structures can help in designing drugs, argues Dr. Mariusz Makowski from the University of Gdańsk.

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Poland's first device for automatic modification of the prosthetic heart valve surface was presented at the Foundation for Cardiac Surgery Development headquarters in Zabrze on September 1.

Workshop organized by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Polish Military Institute of Aviation Medicine (WIML) takes place on 16 and 17 September in Warsaw. The meeting is devoted to the space flight safety.

To design a material that will allow suppressing vibrations generated by trains or city trams, so that they do not harm monuments - this is the task of waiting Bartłomiej Dyniewicz from the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research PAS.

iVirtualEye, an application for smartphones that on crosswalks will signal the location of stripes to the blind, inform if the light is green or red, and whether any vehicles approaching, is being developed by a team from the Polish company Transition Technologies S.A. in cooperation with the Polish Association of the Blind. The project is co-financed by the Innovative Economy Programme and will be implemented until 2013.

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Archaeologists from the Central Maritime Museum in Gdańsk document five wrecks from fifteenth to eighteenth century, discovered in 2010 near Westerplatte peninsula.

A polymer with tongs that catch nicotine molecules has been developed by Polish and American scientists. The achievement will be used to build nicotine detectors and nicotine patches releasing the substance over a longer period and more evenly.

More than half of Polish high school graduates and students believe that a degree from one of British universities gives them the best chance on the labour market, according to a survey of the Institute Homo Homini commissioned by the Polish Open University (POU).

Nanoparticles made from sugars found in the human body, with a drug contained within are a method to fight cancer cells developed by Polish scientists from the Laboratory of Biomedical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) launched the new Better Life Index showcasing the rating given to its 34 members across indicators for quality of life. Canada ranked amongst the top countries overall for well-being of life according to this index; confirming once again how good life is in Canada.

Method developed with the participation of the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS allows to obtain nanotubes, which glow red. They can be used, for example, for particle detection.

Measurement of one of photon properties affects the measurement result of another, proved scientists from Vienna (among them two Poles: Radek Łapkiewicz and Marcin Wieśniak). It is another proof of the accuracy of the theory, which Albert Einstein refused to accept.

Poles are satisfied with their sex lives, but only because they have low expectations in this area - said experts at the international congress "Men and women - reproductive and sexual health", which took place in Warsaw.

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