Parents, the dreaded school holidays are almost upon us. The endless battle with your teenager to ‘get away from that computer and do something constructive!’ is about to begin. Or maybe not…

The University of Freiburg completed its investigation of skulls from its historical collection in 2011. The extensive research project identified 14 skulls as being from the territory of present-day Namibia and prepared them for repatriation in close coordination with the Namibian Embassy.

Minister of Science and Higher Education in Poland Prof. Lena Kolarska-Bobińska awarded scholarships for outstanding achievements for the academic year 2013/2014 to 934 outstanding undergraduate and 84 graduate students.

Kozminski University defended its last year's, 37th place in the main business school ranking of the "Financial Times" - the Best European Business School ranking. KU is the only Polish institution that has made the "FT" listing this year.

Everybody has to start somewhere and mostly getting started is the hardest part. But it doesn’t have to be. Beginners should start getting ready even before their holiday begins:

Every time you consider a ski holiday in France you cannot avoid thinking about those famous hotspots and large interconnected ski areas such as Chamonix, Les 2 Alpes and 3 Vallées - but there is so much more to it. Here are some of the insider tips for winter holidays in France.

Student designer wins industry praise for model music city

SnowTrex is a brand of TravelTrex GmbH. The company was founded in 1999 in Cologne (Germany). SnowTrex has since then become the largest tour operator for winter sports holidays due to its attractive offers for different target groups.

Three start-ups that began life in London Business School’s enterprise incubator have been ranked in the top 100 British start-ups.

Top 400 universities, compiled in the latest ranking of the British magazine Times Higher Education, there was only one in Poland - the University of Warsaw. The university took place in the first half of the fourth hundred.

‘One to watch’ designer makes fashion debut in London Fashion Week

Students from the East began learning in the Summer Language School organized by the Centre of Eastern Partnership at the Opole University. Students will not only improve their Polish language skills, but also learn more about the region and Poland.

Enrolment and timetable
Enrolment is now open and all students are encouraged to complete this online before arriving for their induction. Your timetable will only be available once enrolment has been completed. Teaching starts the week of 7 October although some professional programmes with early induction may start earlier.

Why not end your holiday with more than just a sun-tan to show for it with an English course in beautiful Malta?

On 21-22 September, Birkbeck’s School of Arts, housed in the former homes of many members of the famous ‘Bloomsbury Set’ at 43-46 Gordon Square, will be open to the public as part of Open House London 2013. The School will be open from 10am – 5pm both days and Birkbeck Arts student volunteers will be giving tours of the buildings, including the award-winning cinema (pictured), every hour. A special tour by Andy MacFee, architect of the cinema project, will be held at 11am on Sunday 22 September.

Middlesex University is a modern, multi-campus university based in North London with a heritage that can be traced back to the late 19th century. Today, it is best known for forward-looking approach to higher education, innovative teaching and international experience.

The Jagiellonian University in London opens a new degree master's programme. Polish community in the UK can study journalism and PR workshops.

Outstanding German scholars who wish to conduct research in Poland can apply for Alexander von Humboldt Scholarship. Polish researchers are invited to register German candidates for the scholarship until September 30.

New research in mice reveals why the body is so slow to recover from jet-lag and identifies a target for the development of drugs that could help us adjust more quickly to changes in time zone.