Anyone who has tried to say something under water knows how difficult it is to make a sound. But dolphins do it without a problem. Scientists observe how they emit sounds and work on a device that will allow people to talk underwater.

Ibiza (Eivissa) is a clubbing mecca for students and young people.

Why study in Norway?

Teams comprised of both women and men perform better than both teams predominantly made up of men or teams predominantly made up of women. These were the findings of research carried out by Sander Hoogendoorn of the Amsterdam Center for Entrepreneurship (ACE).

Advergames – online games for products or brands – which aim to promote the consumption of fruit among children do not lead to children eating more fruit. Children actually eat more snack foods instead of fruit after playing these games.

Why study at a British university?

Very soon, European winegrowers will have access to a language learning programme especially conceived for them and catering to their specific needs.

A new technique developed by German scientists promises to increase the range of electric vehicles.

Why Study in Germany?

Men economically dependent on women are less happy, but for women financial dependence is a factor in terms of happiness, according to research conducted by students of the Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities (SWPS).

Significant reforms to services for vulnerable children and radical proposals to allow parents to choose how they share up to a year’s leave to look after their new-born children have been announced.

Rhythmic melodies played in stores make customers stay longer. Intense and floral scents discourage from entering upper floors of the shop, according to a study carried out at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (SWPS) faculty in Wrocław.

The origin of an innate ability the brain has to protect itself from damage that occurs in stroke has been explained for the first time.

The Harlem Shake is an Internet meme that went viral on YouTube in February 2013. The meme is in the form of a video that began being replicated according to a similar concept by many people.

Savings, information exchange, common language, security, good company are the main reasons why the Poles in the UK prefer to live close to their countrymen, according to research by Dr.. Michał Szwabe from the Warsaw School of Economics.

Women who have the first child sooner after the wedding may have higher fertility. They are more likely to have more children, especially sons, shows a study by Polish researchers published in the American Journal of Human Biology.

Negative posts dominate comments on large general information websites, but they are "fuel" for discussion, believe the scientists involved in the "Cyberemotions" project coordinated by the Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology.

Educated women are more likely to divorce than women with less education only in societies where divorce is uncommon, and the associated costs high, determined the researchers from the Warsaw School of Economics in the FAMWELL project.

Italian-Eritrean researchers, led by Alfredo Coppa from the Sapienza Department of Environmental Science, uncovered 1 million years old Homo Sapiens fossils at the Muhuli Amo site in the Danakil region of Eritrea

Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543): astronomer, economist, cartographer, physician, Warmian Canon