Studying in Germany

Study in Germany

Why Study in Germany?

Is it for the historic, world-class universities? The moderate tuition costs and abundance of scholarships? The economic power of the host country, and associated career prospects? The location in the heart of Europe, with endless possibilities for travel and cultural exploration? The first-class scientific research landscape? Or, perhaps, the chance to study the language of Herder, Hegel and Heine in the authentic locales where the great thinkers and writers lived and worked?

The reasons for studying in Germany are many, as is the number of students choosing to do so. After the United States and Great Britain, Germany is now the world's third-most-popular host country for international students. With approximately 240,000 foreign students studying in Germany, or one in ten of all university students, the higher education landscape in Germany has never been so diverse as it is today.

Two compelling reasons to study in Germany, especially for Americans, are the sheer breadth of course offerings at Germany's around 400 institutions of higher learning, with 15,000 degree programs, and the many and varied opportunities to receive funding and scholarships, in virtually any field you can imagine. Did you know that Germany today has over 1,500 degree programs (BA, MA, PhD) taught entirely in English? No matter what your interests, Germany's rich higher education landscape has something for you.

Thankfully, so that you are not overwhelmed by the vastness of German higher education, there is the German Academic Exchange Service or DAAD: the largest funding organization in the world supporting the international exchange of students and scholars. Founded in 1925, the DAAD has provided funding and scholarships to over 1.5 million scholars, German and foreign, and today supports nearly 75,000 scholars per year. But the DAAD, as part of its efforts to internationalize the German university landscape, is also your first address when it comes to information on how to navigate the system. The DAAD-powered website Study in Germany (, in particular, will answer your questions around courses, requirements, funding, student life, and much, much more!


published: 2013-02-26
last modification: 2013-03-21
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