Between 1990 and 2010 new HIV infections in the UK rose in men who have sex with men (MSM). The rise was driven by a 26 per cent increase in the proportion having condomless sex, according to new research by UCL and the Health Protection Agency.

Research by Professor Alan Rushton, King’s College London and the British Association for Adoption & Fostering (BAAF) gives new insight into the long-term effects and outcomes for children adopted from abroad.

People living in urbanised environments are less able to concentrate on the task in hand than people who live in remote areas, according to research from Goldsmiths, University of London funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).

Men over 55 years of age, who have lost their job, have less than eight per cent chance of getting a new one, the London Assembly has heard.

Swedish language education for immigrants is not as good as it should be.

From an iconic image of Bob Marley to a Trainspotting poster, the modern student has often decorated their bedroom in a way that makes a statement about their identity.

Last week was announcement that Pope Benedict XVI will step down at the end of the month because of declining health has shocked the religious world.

Women’s appreciation of engagement rings not based on cost

A typed letter from the American poet T S Eliot has been uncovered in the archives at Queen Mary, University of London, after being hidden away for 40 years.

UK legislation to limit paracetamol pack sizes has seen a 43% reduction in the number of deaths due to paracetamol overdoses, a study led by Oxford University researchers has found.

Over 50 thousand tonnes of German Nazi chemical weapons were sank in the Baltic Sea during World War Two told Chief Environment Inspector Andrzej Jagusiewicz.

Work-related stress is not directly linked to the development of colorectal, lung, breast or prostate cancers, but can cause other contributing factors, according to a new study published on bmj.com.

Green roofs and terraces with natural rainwater treatment system are proposed to implement in the Polish construction industry by Jolanta Majcher–Łoś, PhD student at the University of Agriculture in Kraków. Not only grass can grow on green roofs, but also shrubs and even small trees.

The protocol that provides security for online banking, credit card data and Facebook has major weaknesses, according to researchers at Royal Holloway

A new space that celebrates microscopic members of the animal kingdom opens this week at the Grant Museum of Zoology, UCL.

Levels of employment stability are particularly high for part-time students with four out of five working throughout their study and two years later, according to a new report co-authored by Birkbeck’s Professor Claire Callender.
Students were surveyed when they were in their final year of study and two years later to examine the impact of part-time courses on career progression.

The current all-night festivals trace their roots to several cities.

The Leonardo da Vinci Programme funds practical projects in the field of vocational education and training. Initiatives range from those giving individuals work-related training abroad to large-scale co-operation efforts.

A new initiative, the Youth guarantee, has been set up to ensure that all young adults find their way into education, working life and society.

Lying is one of the most important social skills absolutely necessary for maintaining good relations. Studies show that lying comes more easily to women, but unlike the men they more often deviate from the truth to please others.