New comet passing near the Sun has been discovered by a student at the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science of Jagiellonian University Michał Kusiak. It is his 102nd discovery under the international Sungrazing SOHO Comets project.

Cabbage is beneficial not only to hair, nails and skin, but also to soil and plants. Polish scientists are investigating the impact of growing sprouts on decreased soil contamination with heavy metals and how the cabbage juice can be used to protect plants, reported the press office of the Gdansk University of Technology.

The reform of Polish universities is a step in the right direction, but it still needs refinement - believe young scientists, postgraduates and students interviewed during the public hearing on the amendment of laws to reform higher education.

Multimedia show "Big Bang" inaugurated the Copernicus Science Centre. Opening of the Centre is a celebration of Polish science, said Prime Minister Donald Tusk at the opening evening ceremony.

Scientists from Gdansk University of Technology (PG) presented about 50 inventions and solutions at this year's Technicon Innovation Fair in Gdańsk. "All of our inventions we have already been submitted to the patent office and are at an early stage of commercialisation" – M.Sc. Damian Kuźniewski, head of Industrial Cooperation Department told.

Researchers at the Mammal Research Institute PAS in Białowieża received PLN 230 thousand state grant for a study the population of jaguars, the largest predators in South America. The study will continue until 2012 and will be conducted in collaboration with scientists from Venezuela. The researchers received the grant for foreign study from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Young Poles are more likely to live in their parents’ house than their peers in other EU countries, show the recent data of the EU statistical office Eurostat. Most independent are northerners, least - Slovenes, Slovaks and Greeks.

Can ordinary LEGO bricks can be useful in understanding the principles of robotics and programming? How does knowledge of chemistry and physics help to find a criminal? How to create special effects? Participants of the educational campaign "Young Nobel" will learn the answers to these and many other questions.

New, simple method for the analysis of balance of chemical reactions in solutions was developed at the Institute of Physical Chemistry. It can be used, for example, in chemistry, molecular biology, pharmacy and medicine.

Seven Polish universities formed the Michael Boym consortium in order to promote academic courses chosen among Chinese students. Spokeswoman of Tischner European University, Barbara Całka announced that the consortium currently consists of seven public and private universities. It is open to other colleges that wish to join.

We all experience stress in our lives. Some of us thrive on it. Some of us muddle through. And for others, the stress causes serious health and work problems. As life has gotten faster and more complex, it gets more and more difficult to thrive. Apart from the usual stress management "suspects", like eating well, exercising and so on, there are some techniques you can use to reduce the stress in your life (or at least make your reactions more constructive.) We're going to cover some of these techniques, to help you learn them. Most of them fall into the category of relaxation techniques.

Higher education institutions associated in the Consortium of the Silesian Public Schools will seek to attract more foreign students.

The Center for Global Education promotes international education to foster cross-cultural awareness, cooperation and understanding. Living and working effectively in a global society requires learning with an international perspective.

Some students turn to diet pills for many reasons, if you are choosing diet pills, as a way to start off your diet it may not be a good idea. There is a reason why diet pills have warning labels, most diets pills are approved by the Federal Food and Drug Administration.

Credit Cards for students provide a great way for young adults to learn about and establish credit while attending college. All too many students these days are leaving college with little or no experience with credit cards or other financial services, knowledge of which is very important in todays world.

There is a misconception out there about applying for scholarships for College. The misconception is that if you don’t have a 4.0 grade point average you won’t win the scholarship. There are many different types of scholarships but the best thing to do is apply for all of the scholarships but the key is to fill out the applications correctly. Incomplete applications are one reason why students do not win certain scholarships.

If you have chosen to live at the dorms while attending College, you may have heard of the term Freshman 15. This term is used by College students who in their freshman year have gained 15 pounds. You can avoid this by making sure that you don’t allow yourself to fall into the trap. The good thing about living on campus is that you have to walk everywhere. Since you are already here, there is no need for a car to get around school. A great way to lose weight or to stay healthy at school is to walk. If there are elevators located in some of your buildings, opt for the stairs. Walk to classes and if you can take the long way around.

Back in the day, there was only one way to attend college and that was to apply for school and go. These days there are brick and mortar colleges, correspondence schools and there are online colleges. You may be surprised at how many students have chosen to go to college online. If you were to Google the term online universities, you would find over 16 million results. This college option has worked out for many students. Would an online university be the right choice for you?

When I first landed at Ferihegy Airport in Budapest, I had no idea what was awaiting me. I was tired when our driver picked us up, but the view of graffiti written in German, Russian, and Hungarian just blew me away. As we got closer to the city I felt like I was in a place that was magically tranferred through time and noone in the city had noticed.

Sarfraz Manzoor has been following the fortunes of six young people who graduated last year. How well do they feel that university prepared them for today's economic realities?