What did you get this Christmas?
I'll bet when you answered this question you probably described a gift you received. Your answer was probably something physical. Something you took from under a tree and unwrapped. But really, what did you get this Christmas besides material gifts?
Did you spend time with your family? Did you go to a mass or church
service? Did you think about those who are close to you? It's so easy
to overlook these important things when you've got a mystery package
awaiting your inspection under the tree on Christmas.
I come
from a divided family. My parents are divorced and we don't have a lot
of money. Many complicated emotions play a part in how I feel during
Christmas break. The holidays are really painful for me greatly
because of the way my family tries to act normal eventhough it really
isn't. Every Christmas I wish I could trade all of my gifts and other
possessions just for one moment of freedom from pain and sadness in my
heart. For me, Christmas is difficult and no material gifts could
change that.
Please remember that gifts are great but they are
nothing when compared to the more important things in life. Money
won't buy you happiness. Gifts won't bring my family together. Life
is so much more than something wrapped under a tree. It is knowing
that you have a family that is not divided. As long as you think about
the other things that matter, you'll escape the fate of an artificial
Don't let materials blind you. Understand the
true meaning of Christmas and appreciate what you have. Life is too
short to be worried over material things. Worry about what really
matters: cherished friends and family.
From: articles.student.com
last modification: 2010-12-14