Sejm adopts laws reforming Polish science

The Sejm on Friday adopted a package of six government bills reforming Polish science.

The laws envisage, among others, co-relation between science and the economic sector, the establishment of the National Science Centre and the closing down of research institutes which bring poor results.

The lower chamber adopted two amendments to the package of laws. First, presented by the oppositionist Law and Justice PiS authorises trade unions to issue opinions on restructuring (mergers, divisions, reorganisation or liquidation) while the second, presented by the Left caucus, envisages that regulations referring to all discussed laws will take effect October 1, 2010.

The reform is to strengthen quality-oriented system of science financing as the government plans to decrease the financing of scientific units' current needs.

More money is to be assigned for concrete research projects.

The National Science Centre, independent of politicians and headquartered in Cracow will decide about the division of funds.

The reform is to make easier for young scholars to pursue professional career in Poland and abroad. The National Science Centre will assign at least 20 pct of its funds for researchers younger than 35.

The laws are still to be discussed by the Senate.

PAP - Nauka w Polsce

last modification: 2010-03-24
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