“You gain much more from learning by doing”, advocates Madam Mae Ho, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer. “Learning outside of the classroom provides students opportunities to grow.” She went on to say, “’Our students’ skills were put to a test in a ‘real-world’ environment and they passed with flying colours.”
BERJAYA UC also collaborated with Worldchefs by providing National teams with a kitchen facilities to prepare their mise en place for the competition. The teams from USA, Scotland, Hungary, Denmark, Colombia, Japan and Germany received support from the Faculty of Culinary Arts staff and students. This gave the students a first-hand perspective of the intensity of high-level competition and the mastery of culinary skills by the different country representatives.
BERJAYA UC’s culinary students had an inspiring experience for two nights with the Hungarian and Scottish national teams. The teams cooked and supervised some of their national dishes for a select group of invited guests.