Study in Europe

Universities - photos
miniatura Universität St. Gallen
miniatura University of Bristol - Cabot Circus in Bristol - student accommodation on Bond Street
miniatura Universität Zürich
other information
1. Tips
Whether you are a novice or an advanced learner, there are always things, other than attending language courses, you can do to improve as a language learner. Drawing on the experience of teachers and other learn­ers, here are some useful tips and tools.
2. Learner mobility - Students in higher education
Study periods: Students can spend from 3 to 12 months studying at a university or college in another country. Traineeships: Alternatively, you can do a traineeship in a workplace abroad lasting from 2 to 12 months.
Where to look for a job?
Look for job adverts published on the Internet, in newspapers, at employment offices and with private recruitment companies. Don’t forget to check the EURES job mobility portal too. A company’s own website may contain details of vacancies, or they may use an external recruitment agent to conduct an initial screening of candidates.
Poland - Fillet of Baltic salmon with crème brûlée and crayfish salad
Filet z łososia bałtyckiego z kremem spalone i sałatka raki INGREDIENTS (serves 4) • 800 g of salmon • 2 tonka beans • 1 egg yolk • Oil • 100 g of crayfish • 40 g of mayonnaise • 60 g of cream • Salt and pepper • Finely chopped dill (or chopped parsley or chives)
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