Study in Europe

Universities - photos
miniatura Universidade do Porto Reitoria
miniatura Vysoké učení technické v Brně
miniatura Humboldt-Universität Berlin
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6. Taking the plunge
People who have not yet embarked on the road to learning a foreign language, may feel concerned or afraid, like looking at the sea when they do not know how to swim.But studying a language is a little like learning to swim, surprisingly straightforward once you have taken the first plunge.
2. Focus on the reader
Be direct and interesting. Always consider the peopleyou’re really writing for: not just your boss, or the reviser of your transla­tions, but the end users. Like you, they’re in a hurry. Who are they, what do they already know, and what might you need to explain?
2. Learner mobility - Students in higher education
Study periods: Students can spend from 3 to 12 months studying at a university or college in another country. Traineeships: Alternatively, you can do a traineeship in a workplace abroad lasting from 2 to 12 months.
Other networks and services in the field of European mobility
Besides EURES, the following European mobility networks may also be of interest: Your Europe, Your Europe Advice, SOLVIT, Directorate-General for Education and Culture, Europass, Euroguidance, Enterprise Europe Network, European small business portal.
Hungary - Hungarian liver
Sertésmáj INGREDIENTS (serves 4) • 750 g of pork liver • 4 tablespoons of sweet paprika (édesnemes) • 2 tablespoons of hot paprika (csípös) • 1 large onion • 1 red pepper • White wine • Salt and pepper • Chopped flat-leaf parsley • Olive or sunflower oil
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