United Kingdom (Scotland) - all ISCED 5

Type of programme: Universities
Beginning of the academic year: Institutions are autonomous. Some institutions will follow the traditional academic calendar and will generally start some time in September or October. However others have adopted different patterns where students can start at different times during the year e.g. January.
Teaching activities and holiday periods: All periods of teaching activity, holidays and exams are fixed by institutions.
Examinations: no data
End of the academic year: Institutions are autonomous and dates will vary depending on when the student has started the year. Traditional academic calendar ends May/June.

Public holidays:

All periods of teaching activity and holidays are fixed by institutions. However certain dates, such as 25-26 December, 1-2 January will be regarded as public holidays by all institutions

last modification: 2013-11-24 09:06:50
Source: Eurydice Facts and Figures
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