Iceland - third cycle (PhD) programmes

Flag of Iceland
Country: Iceland
Population (mln): 0,32
Official language/s: Icelandic
Internet TLD: .is
Calling code: +354
Unemployment rate Sep 2011 (%): 6,8
Unemployment rate under 25 years Sep 2011 (%): N/A
Males enemployment rate Sep 2011 (%): N/A
Females unemployment rate Sep 2011 (%): N/A
Unemployment rate Sep 2012 (%): N/A
Unemployment rate under 25 years Sep 2012 (%): N/A
Males unemployment rate Sep 2012 (%): N/A
Females unemployment rate Sep 2012 (%): b.d.
Population statistics 20-29 age group 2011 (%): 14,8
Country codes in education system: IS
Expected duration of education (years): 19,9

The Doctorate degree (dr.phil., dr.odeont., /Ph.D - doktorsgrada) is awarded to those who have successfully completed a doctorate programme and defended a doctoral thesis in Icelandic literature, Icelandic language, and Icelandic history,  theology, law, medicine, nursing; health sciences, pharmacy, dentistry, engineering, natural sciences, education and social sciences.
There is also another type of Doctoral degree  which is  the result of intensive independent research and is awarded after defence of a doctoral thesis. As a general rule, this Doctoral degree can only be awarded to those who have completed a Candidatus professional degree, a Master degree or equivalent education.

Source: Eurydice,
Eurypedia - The European Encyclopedia on National Education Systems , Eurosta,, Agency for Science and Higher Education Croatia, Department of Education and Skills Irelan,  Ministry of Education and Culture - FINLAND
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