Netherlands - third cycle (PhD) programmes

The flag of the Netherlands is a horizontal tricolour of red, white and blue
Country: Netherlands
Population (mln): 16,66
Official language/s: Dutch, Frisian
Internet TLD: .nl
Calling code: +31
Member of the EU from: 25th March 1957
Unemployment rate Sep 2011 (%): 4,5
Unemployment rate under 25 years Sep 2011 (%): 8,0
Males enemployment rate Sep 2011 (%): 4.5
Females unemployment rate Sep 2011 (%): 4.6
Unemployment rate Sep 2012 (%): 5.4
Unemployment rate under 25 years Sep 2012 (%): 9.7
Males unemployment rate Sep 2012 (%): 5.4
Females unemployment rate Sep 2012 (%): 5.4
Population statistics 20-29 age group 2011 (%): 12,1
Country codes in education system: NL
Expected duration of education (years): 35,8

The Dutch Doctoraat is obtained through the 'Promotie'. It is a research degree which entitles the holder to the title of Doctor (dr.), the highest university degree in the Netherlands. After the master's degree, it can be obtained in two ways: 1. by serving as 'Assistent in Opleiding' (AIO) or 'Onderzoeker in Opleiding' (OIO), i.e. assistant researchers.

The former also does some teaching. Candidates are required to carry out the necessary research and to write and publicly defend a doctoral dissertation over a period of four years. They are paid a small salary which increases every year. Competition for these positions is tough. 2. By researching and writing a doctoral dissertation under the supervision of a full professor. The dissertation must  be defended in public. University level third stage programmes in medical professions require a total of 300 credits (dentistry) and 360 credits (medicine, veterinary medicine) to complete.

Source: Eurydice,
Eurypedia - The European Encyclopedia on National Education Systems , Eurosta,, Agency for Science and Higher Education Croatia, Department of Education and Skills Irelan,  Ministry of Education and Culture - FINLAND
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