Population (mln): 65,07
Official language/s: French
Internet TLD: .fr
Calling code: +33
Member of the EU from: 25th March 1957
Unemployment rate Sep 2011 (%): 9,6
Unemployment rate under 25 years Sep 2011 (%): 22,2
Males enemployment rate Sep 2011 (%): 9,1
Females unemployment rate Sep 2011 (%): 10,2
Unemployment rate Sep 2012 (%): 10,8
Unemployment rate under 25 years Sep 2012 (%): 25,7
Males unemployment rate Sep 2012 (%): 10,5
Females unemployment rate Sep 2012 (%): 11,0
Population statistics 20-29 age group 2011 (%): 12,6
Country codes in education system: FR
Expected duration of education (years): 16,4
Third Cycle (PhD) Programmes - Organisation of Doctoral Studies
The "doctorat" (PhD) is prepared in six semesters (it corresponds to a
baccalauréatdiploma + 8 years of study). The diploma is awarded after
presentation of a thesis.
This third level is one of high specialisation and research training.
After the master's degree or a recognised equivalent, students showing
aptitude for research can access PhD studies within the framework of
doctoral schools. These schools allow the preparation of a doctorat
(PhD) in three or four years (presentation of a thesis or of a set of
work). In compliance with the commitments taken in the " Pacte pour la
recherche ", expressed by the planning law for research no. 2006-450 of
18 April 2006, doctoral training has been renovated: the new order of 7
August 2006 bearing on doctoral training is consistent with the
orientations set out in the "European Charter for Researchers"
especially as regards the status of PhD students. Moreover, attention
paid to the implementation of the "thesis charter", a genuine moral
contract between the PhD student, his or her thesis supervisor, the
doctoral school head and the director of the host laboratory, guarantees
quality insofar as it defines the rights and duties of each party. The
preparation of a thesis should be part of a personal and professional
project clearly defined in its objectives and resources.
Consecutive to this reform adopted by the order of 7 August 2006,
PhD training should offer young PhDs excellent training, attractive
nationally and internationally, and the best possible career prospects.
Four major orientations are defined: reassertion of doctoral schools as
places to structure French doctoral training; primacy given to "quality
assurance"; recognition of the doctorat (PhD) as "a professional
research experience" and strengthening of measures to guarantee
excellent training; creation of doctoral schools made accessible to all
higher education institutions.
Moreover, doctoral studies allow:
- a scientific framework guaranteed by recognised research units or teams;
- training useful for steering their research project and elaborating their professional project;
- international opening;
- the possibility of doing a work placement;
- integration monitoring.
During their doctoral training, PhD students take support
training courses and pictograms in teaching sessions, seminars, missions
or placements organised within the framework of the doctoral school.
Eurypedia - The European Encyclopedia on National Education Systems