Estonia - types of higher education institutions

Estonian Flag  is a tricolour featuring three equal horizontal bands of blue, black and white
Country: Estonia
Area (km2): 45 226
Population (mln): 1,34
Official language/s: Estonian
Internet TLD: .ee
Calling code: +372
Member of the EU from: 1st May 2004
Unemployment rate Sep 2011 (%): 11.4
Unemployment rate under 25 years Sep 2011 (%): 26.0
Unemployment rate Sep 2012 (%): 9.6
Unemployment rate under 25 years Sep 2012 (%): 18.8
Population statistics 20-29 age group 2011 (%): 15,6
Country codes in education system: EE
Expected duration of education (years): 17,9

According to the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia, universities and research institutions are autonomous within the restrictions prescribed by law. A university is a research, development, educational and cultural institution where students have a possibility in particular to choose to focus their studies on research and development activities: higher education is acquired according to the Bachelor’s study, Master’s study and Doctoral study curricula in several fields of study. In an educational institution that is a part of the structure of a university, professional higher education may also be offered.

An institution of professional higher education is a university-type educational institution where a student can acquire higher education according to the professional higher education curriculum. Vocational schools may in exceptional cases also offer professional higher education.

The task and mission of a university is:

  • to advance science and culture;
  • to develop students into responsible and enterprising citizens;
  • to cooperate with other universities and with the whole society while supporting the development of the society and preservation of national culture through efficient research, development and creative work;
  • to create and develop opportunities based on integrated education and research activity for international cooperation, acquisition of higher education based on scientific approach as well as for lifelong learning;
  • to provide services based on education, research and other creative activities necessary to the society.

According to the Standard of Higher Education, the objectives of cycles of higher education in universities are as follows:

  • in Bachelor's study a student improves his or her general educational knowledge and acquires the basic knowledge and skills of a field of study and the knowledge and skills necessary for Master's study and commencement of work;
  • in Master's study a student improves his or her knowledge and skills related to the field of study and acquires the knowledge and skills necessary for independent work and Doctoral study;
  • in Doctoral study a student acquires the knowledge and skills necessary for independent research, development or professional creative activity.

The objective of professional higher education is to give a student the necessary competencies for employment in a particular profession or to continue his or her studies in Master’s study. Based on the latter, one of the study objectives may be transfer to the next cycle of higher education.

The task of institutions of professional higher education is preparation of motivated specialists with excellent professional skills and work attitudes in the first cycle of higher education, taking account of the needs of the labour market. Study is characterised by flexibility and practical focus of curricula as well as close cooperation with enterprises, vocational unions and other social partners.

The functions of an institution of professional higher education are:

  • to promote lifelong learning corresponding to the needs of the labour market,
  • to offer services comprising study and research activities,
  • to carry out applied studies;
  • to develop students into responsible and enterprising citizens;
  • to co-operate with different institutions and communicate actively with the public while supporting the development of the society through efficient  development, innovative activity and applied research in the their field of activity.

Source: Eurydice,
Eurypedia - The European Encyclopedia on National Education Systems , Eurosta,, Agency for Science and Higher Education Croatia, Department of Education and Skills Irelan,  Ministry of Education and Culture - FINLAND
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