Population (mln): 1,34
Official language/s: Estonian
Internet TLD: .ee
Calling code: +372
Member of the EU from: 1st May 2004
Unemployment rate Sep 2011 (%): 11.4
Unemployment rate under 25 years Sep 2011 (%): 26.0
Unemployment rate Sep 2012 (%): 9.6
Unemployment rate under 25 years Sep 2012 (%): 18.8
Population statistics 20-29 age group 2011 (%): 15,6
Country codes in education system: EE
Expected duration of education (years): 17,9
The objective of Estonian higher education policy in the last decade
has been integration with the European higher education space and
carrying out structural reforms necessary to that end. The preparation
and enforcement of reforms has been implemented in close cooperation
between various parties and with significant help from European
structural funds.
The Estonian higher education strategy for
the years 2006–2015 approved by the parliament on 8 November 2006
establishes the objectives of the higher education sector as follows:
- to ensure the internationally competitive quality of higher education offered in Estonia;
- to ensure that both study and research activities are better
targeted towards the needs of the development of the Estonian economy
and society;
- to ensure a capacity of higher education study that reflects
the needs of the Estonian society, taking into account both the
preferences of students as well as the needs of the labour market;
- to develop an effective higher education structure through
ensuring that educational institutions offer the fields of study that
take into account the needs and resources of Estonia;
- to ensure that Estonian-language higher education studies continue and develop within the European open education space;
- to promote the social dimension of higher education through
enabling students an equal access to higher education and dedication to
In Estonia, the higher education system has two branches: study is carried out in theacademic and the professional higher education branch. Since the academic year 2002/2003, the general structure of academic study hasthree cycles. The first cycle is Bachelor's study and the second cycle is Master's study. The third and the highest cycle is Doctoral study.